12 Mar 2015

the bins!

When we first moved to the burbs of Stockholm following a lifetime of living in various different European capital cities, some things just leave you standing... with your mouth wide open – like a letterbox, as they say in Swedish!

When I put the bins out for the first time – not a particularly complicated nor physical task. It's a simple job of moving two wheelies approximately 50 centimeters from where they normally live out onto the road for pick-up. 

I come home from work and they are still full... I think... that's odd... I surreptitiously take a peek in my neighbor's bin... hope they don't think I'm trying to offload some rubbish (you pay by the kilo here)... their bin is empty...

Well it's kind of like the barcode thing (that's another story)... here you have to have the bins facing the right way... otherwise they won't take them... too lazy I think... well not... it's the binmen who are not allowed to turn the bins around.

How silly of me not to have had my bins around the right way... well I won't be making that mistake again, as the local crows added to my shame by scattering bits of rubbish all over my driveway!

17 Apr 2013

About this blog

So what's this blog about? Mainly about getting the last word in and a lot of it will be about words... Most of this blog will be about writing, editing and more specifically about writing and editing technical stuff so that it's readable. Making technology accessible, to even make it funny and hopefully enjoyable.

Sometimes I'll yap about stuff that just bugs the hell out of me... My theory is, a blog is cheaper than therapy (or the long-distance phone calls to my two big sisters) and who knows, if you start laughing, then maybe you'll live just a wee bit longer and be just a tad happier, and I might live a bit longer and be a bit happier too.

Sometimes I'll yap about what it's like to live in a foreign country, I am likely to digress into garbage disposal, as I seem to spend an inappropriate amount of my time sorting and dealing with rubbish – I am in fact a binman in high heels – and I may yap a lot about my bike.

Whatever it is, I hope you'll find it entertaining!

16 Apr 2013

Yapping - an Irish verb meaning to talk incessantly

Yapping is what Irish people do. We spend endless hours yapping on and on about all sorts of stuff – relevant or not, it doesn't matter. The point is to enjoy the company of other people, make them laugh, laugh together, cry, shout, whisper... whatever it is, it's got emotion.

Let's do some yapping...